Men are just as embarrassed by a high forehead as women. However those who are not into hairstyling might think that there's no remedy for their problem. In fact the latest trends of hairdos offer several possibilities to mask our prominent features and shift the attention to the favorable parts.

With a few angles and tricky lines the hair stylist will manage to furnish you with a charming hairdo. However be careful to match the do not only to your forehead but also your face shape. It's not enough to camouflage the critical spots with a few strands rather think on a larger scale.

Analyze your face carefully, look for the strengths and weaknesses to balance the uneven proportions. In fact this is the key to a dazzling look. Softening the defined forms and creating the illusion of a smaller face is the main goal when it comes of visually shrink a high forehead.

The following men hairstyles for a high forehead will offer you enough inspiration to choose a more flattering and hot hairstyle.